AG Air Jet 2
Typical fabric weight and thickness have increased steadily since the introduction of the Air Jet principle in 1970. To improve heatsetting quality and to increase capacity, several fabric manufacturers have shown interest in converting their single sided units into double airbox systems.
Temperature profile documentation

Although the Air Jet Revised / Air Jet 2 combination is primarily designed for treatment of forming fabrics, it can equally well be used for heatsetting of dryer fabrics and even press felts. This could be of interest for installation of equipment in existing machines if space will not allow the use of an Air Through Compact. The Air Jet 2 extends only about 1.2 meter beyond the heat zone in one end.

The Air Jet 2 is to be considered for upgrading of existing Air Jets, or where Air Through Compact cannot be installed due to space limitations. For new installations where double-sided heatsetting is desirable, we recommend the Air Through Compact, because of the somewhat higher production capacity of the system, compared to the Air Jet / Air Jet 2.