Sorption Dehumidifiers
Alfsen og Gunderson supply dehumidifiers and systems based on sorption dehumidification.
Our dehumidifiers from DST range from the small DR and DC dehumidifiers, via the medium size RL and RLZ-series to the Flexisorb dehumidifier system customised for the customers needs for air flows, filtration etc.
Our of our main markets are shipping and offshore (oil&gas) and we also design special dehumidifiers for these markets. Examples are inertgass-dryers for LNG vessels, tankdryers for chemical tankers, Ex-dehumidifiers and different container solutions.

AG-S Tankdryers
Robust and efficient dehumidifiers installed on chemical tankers, to dry out the cargo tanks after tank cleaning.

AG-IG Inert Gas Dryers
Special designed for LNG and LPG vessels. They dehumidify down to minus 65 °C depoint.

AG also supply dehumidifiers for hazardous areas. The picture shows dehumidifier containers delivered to Aker Solutions (Adriatic LNG terminal).