Design, Mechanical, Automation and Electrical Engineering
At Alfsen og Gunderson, our strategy is to have the necessary skills and expertise in all key technical areas in-house, enabling us to take responsibility for the total functioning of a plant. This ensures systematic development under full control. It also enables us to provide the best possible service to our customers. To achieve these aims, we have developed solid support functions in design, automation and mechanical and electrical engineering.

Design and Mechanical Engineering
Our design engineers are using SolidWorks for three-dimensional modelling, greatly enhancing product and system development. Being able to produce illustrative models and do collision testing has virtually eliminated faults. In customer communication, our capability for virtually photographic design reproduction is of inestimable value. AG’s design engineers prepare all the design and assembly drawings and follow up manufacture in the workshop. This promotes a useful dialogue with our mechanics and ensures rational, functional solutions. Our design engineers frequently supervise on-site plant assembly around the world.
Automation and Electrical Engineering
A great portion of our process knowledge is built into our plant process control systems, so it’s essential for us to have in-house experts in automation and mechanical and electrical engineering. The operators who will operate our machines appreciate the logical, well thought-through PC-based interfaces we supply. AGs automation engeeners develops through functional descriptions, wiring diagrams, PLC programming and cable lists. They also make tailormade screen solutions. This is followed by controlled commissioning of all installations worldwide, essential for customer satisfaction.